William Tracey
1 min readJul 24, 2019


You have presented clear evidence that increased population does not deplete resources but they create them. You are correct, Malthus thought more humans at the ~ 1–2 billion at his time in the 800’s would starve to death. Instead, human creativity found ways to support 7x as many people at a much higher quality level.

Increased productivity which took people off the farms and more currently out of the factory and into greater education and technology. More educated engineers and technicians have allowed us to clean up the environment and make workplaces safer. That’s why your engineer’s son’s life is safer. Just a few years ago we were told we were at “peak oil” and that energy resource would be declining rapidly. Then human-created new technology, fracking, has resulted in surplus energy for a few centuries to come. This is not to mention the emergence of renewables which are approaching competitive costs to fossil fuels.

Just pre WWII the typical kid started work at 16 and, on average at 65, died rather than retired. He also worked a 10 hour, 6 day week. Our increase in a productive educated population has already achieved a workforce who starts working in their early 20’s; retires at 65 and works a 40 hour week.

I believe this trend goes on. The Luddites smashed machines in fear of increased productivity in textile manufacturing. Today's anti-corporatists are cut from the same cloth.



William Tracey

Economist, Investor, Global Management Consultant and Successful Cyber Security Entrepreneur